You can make a difference…
Your membership dues and donations help us support the important work of our three National Wildlife Refuges, and teach Hawai‘i’s children, families, and visitors how to care for our fragile environment. Specifically, your support will help underwrite the costs of our programs including:
Protection of Hawaiian Endangered Seabirds and Waterbirds
Refuge Habitat Maintenance & Restoration
Visitor Education
Keiki (Children’s) Environmental Education & Free Field Trip Buses
Rehabilitation of Sick & Injured Birds
Educational Scholarships
Preservation of the Lighthouse
FWS Volunteer Program Support
…and more!
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today to support our mission!
Making a charitable contribution is easy and tax deductible. You can donate online by clicking the Donate button below.
Consider becoming a Monthly Sustaining Partner. By choosing to make a recurring gift on your credit card, you enjoy the convenience of smaller gift amounts that may fit easier within your monthly budget. Plus, giving monthly, helps us daily! Recurring donations allow us to take a planned, long-term approach to our work. We know that we have the funding needed to meet the needs of our Refuge partners and the wildlife that depend upon us.
Simply click below to start your gift with the security that it can be adjusted at any time.
Join & Become a Member
Memberships provide support for us and benefits for you, designed to offer opportunities to learn about our wildlife and exclusive access to our refuges.
Review our member levels and benefits below and select the level of support that best fits the interests and abilities of you and your ‘ohana!
Membership Benefits
$25 Membership - Supporter
Email Newsletter
Invitation to Special Events and Activities
Recognition in Annual Report
10% Discount on purchases in Nature Store
The satisfaction of supporting Refuge programs, protecting threatened and endangered native wildlife and inspiring future conservationists!
$50 Membership - Friend
All of the above benefits plus:
One free Logo Item
$100 Membership - Patron
All of the above benefits plus:
Invitation for you and a guest to attend one Members-only Wildlife Talk lecture series at Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge per year, including a free daily pass
$250 Membership - Benefactor
All of the above benefits plus:
One Free Annual Kamaʻāina Pass for Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Invitation for you and a guest to participate in one special Refuge Access event per year (spaces limited) which may include: Wildlife Observations at Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge, Biology Fieldwork Volunteer, Wildlife Observations at Kāhili Beach
$500 Membership - Visionary
All of the above benefits plus:
Opportunity to be listed on Annual Honor Wall in Nature Store and on the Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges website
$1,000 Membership - Advocate
All of the above benefits plus:
Invitation for you and up to 3 guests to participate in one private after-hours Refuge Access event per year
At this time, Memberships are fully tax-deductible! Please join our ‘ohana today!
To make a gift by mail, please download a Giving Form and drop it off at the Visitor Center at Kīlauea Point NWR or mail it to: Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges: PO Box 1130, Kīlauea, HI 96754. If you would like to make your contribution via a bank wire transfer, please download our Wire Transfer Form.
If you would like to discuss how you can help support Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges and make a difference in our work, please contact: Executive Director Thomas Daubert, 808.828.0384 or thomas@kilaueapoint.org.
Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges…Federal Tax ID: 99-0226697