Community Partners
Friends of Kauaʻi Wildlife Refuges in honored to work with and along side many passionate, generous, creative and hard working partner organizations.
North Shore Give
North Shore Give is a community foundation dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for everyone on the North Shore. We foster collaboration by connecting donors, nonprofits, agencies, individuals, and businesses to address and solve community challenges.
Save Our Shearwaters
The only Federal and State permitted facility on Kauaʻi approved to rehabilitate native Hawaiian species - including sick or injured native birds from our three Refuges.
Conservation Dogs of Hawaiʻi
Through an exciting partnership, the Refuge team is engaging trained volunteers and scent-detection canines to help break the cycle of avian botulism outbreaks. Refuge staff and volunteers conduct systematic surveys to remove infected carcasses from wetland habitats but many can go undetected due to dense vegetation. Detection is greatly improved through the use of trained canines.
Kauaʻi Wildlife Coalition
A collaborative effort led by individuals who serve various native wildlife conservation agencies that focus on the Hawaiian Archipelago and specifically the island of Kauaʻi. FKWR is a proud member!
Kauaʻi Albatross Network
Serves as a resource to promote safe nesting habitat for Laysan albatross and other native birds by respectful cooperation with private landowners, government agencies, scientists, businesses, schools, and conservation organizations.
Kauaʻi Invasive Species Committee
KISC works on a variety of incipient projects across the island. All of the species they control or monitor for are invasive species that have not yet become established on Kauaʻi. Target species are those recognized as having the greatest potential to harm human welfare, native biodiversity and island agriculture.
Hamline University Multimedia Gallery
Kīlauea Point NWR is honored to host two educational kiosks – one in the Visitor Center and another in the Contact Station. The content on these interpretative displays was developed by our partners at Hamline University.
We are pleased to share that all of this incredible content is also available online.
Kiaʻi Kāhili
An initiative supported by local organizations and concerned community members to manage Kāhili Beach to achieve ecological and cultural vitality, connection (to this place and each other) and continued responsible recreation through collaborative education and stewardship for the continuing benefit of current and future generations. FKWR is a proud member!
I Heart Princeville
Useful and interesting information about Princeville, the North Shore of Kauaʻi and Hawaiʻi.